I am ALIVE... I am 83 pounds lighter and in our new house!
I know.. 9 weeks out from surgery AND 83 lbs.. shut up!
I miss miss miss all of you... Pictures and action to come......
I can't wait to read all of your blogs... misses ans kisses ~M~
A lil' som um som um more or less bout life and love and happiness~
After a few hours I dump all the veggies in simmer for a few more hours... Then take my wand and puree all , add the herbs and spices to taste... Simmer 1 more hour and the fresh parsley.. Turn off the stove, lid on... Get the canning jars ready.... Then can....
Josh grates all my veggies.... I don't know how many of you know that My Josh has Cerebral Palsy....
That really messes w/ him most days... So when I get him in the kitchen.. He consecrates, stays focused and can control his body... Grating helps him a lot, we bought him the greatest grater for Christmas this last year.. I will get a pic on here of it... Really is a God sent for disabled cooks... He grated for about an hour, All the while we sat and talked about life and love, girls... the Works. Josh is a very free spirit, kind as well as cruel.. He doesn't mean to be, he can't seem to help some things..... He had a bad week this week.... There were rumors going around our small town about him being gay... Which is just silly in it's self... But when you are not gay and 16 and people are talking about you it sucks! Austin, one of my other boys, is gay... And Josh gets a lot of crap about hanging around him and defending him.. Josh never thought twice about it... You defend and honor your friends and family no matter what.... Somewhere is that mess is where the rumors started... Side note, I did not give birth to Austin, he came to us after he lost his brother who was murdered.. Austin has a mother, she is going through things and we have taken him in, knowing him as the boy next door for years, we love him, support him and care for him... I am a Christian woman, I am very spiritual and don't want to hear your opinion's on the biblical aspect of his homosexuality.. He knows where I stand and he also knows I love him unconditionally as do all of us in this house hold.. It sucks that my other kids have to suffer at the hands of others...